Monday, June 13, 2011

The Image of Ganesha and its Meaning

The image of Ganesha and its meaning

The image of Ganesha and its meaningAn elephant's trunk has the strength to uproot a tree as well as the finesse to pick  up a needle.
Ganesha's trunk symbolises the fact that the wise person has both immense strength and fine discrimination. Ganesha has large ears. The wise person hears all. He has four hands. In one hand he holds a lotus, the symbol of enlightenment. In the other hand he holds a hatchet. That is, the old karma, all your sanskars, the accumulated good and bad of past deeds get cut when enlightenment comes.
The third hand holds laddus, the round sweet-meats. They are the rewards of a wise life. Ganesha is never shown eating the laddus. The wise man never partakes of the rewards of his deeds. He is not attached to them. The fourth hand is shown blessing the people. The wise man wishes the best for everyone.
Ganesha has only one tusk; the other is shown broken. There is an interesting story as to how Ganesh happened to get an elephant's head and how one tusk got broken. The symbolism of the broken tusk is that the wise person is beyond duality.
We tend to think that we end when our bodies end in the material world. We are the first person. All else is different. This duality is created by the mind which creates the ego to help us survive in this world. This 'me-other' duality is the screen keeping us from realising our real Self, which is beyond body and mind. Once we transcend this duality, we see the entire Universe as a single whole and we become aware of our true Selves. The single tusk of Ganesha symbolises this non-duality. Wisdom allows us to see all as one and ourselves an integral part of the whole.
Ganesha is shown sitting with one foot on the ground and the other resting on his knee, above the ground. The wise person is of this earth, yet not entirely of this earth.
Ganesha is shown seated on a rat. The reason for saying that Ganesha 'rides' on the rat is that the rat is among the greediest of all animals. It will keep nibbling at whatever is available, eating everything it can. Scientifically, too, the rat's teeth keep growing and it has to keep chewing on something to keep these within limits. The rat is a symbol of our senses, which are never satisfied. They crave new experiences, new tastes. Left uncontrolled, they keep growing forever. The wise person rides on his senses. He keeps them under control.
Ganesha is often shown seated in front of a tray of sweets. In these images the rat is shown sitting in front of Ganesha, perhaps a bit to one side, looking up at him. The senses of the wise person are under his control and the rat dare not eat the sweets without the permission of Ganesha.
Ganesha is the son of Shiva and Parvati, the God governing the life-force and the earth-mother. This symbolises the spirit and body of the wise person. Finally, the wise person has the dignity of an elephant.
When we say "Aum Ganeshaya Namah" before starting anything what we are saying is that "In what we are about to do, let wisdom be our guide". In a sense, Ganesha is our most powerful god, and he is usually remembered before starting any rituals for other deities. Namaste

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Kandahat: REIKI AND JOHREI: "Two healing energies emerged in Japan during the first quarter of the twentieth century: Reiki and Johrei. Both are healing energies, but t..."


Two healing energies emerged in Japan during the first quarter of the twentieth century: Reiki and Johrei. Both are healing energies, but the two are completely different in lineage, frequency, purpose, use, and method of training. As part of its ongoing commitment to lineage, to healing, and to earth healing in the eclectic mode.
In addition to quite different origins, there are many other distinguishing differences between Johrei and Reiki. Reiki is an attuned energy opened in the student by an appropriately trained Reiki Master. Reiki energy moves through the body and the chakras of the Reiki practitioner and out the hands to whomever the practitioner offers the energy. Johrei, on the other hand, is an energy of intent anchored and activated by a Focal Point worn about the Johrei practitioner's neck and obtained after a period of training with a minister of the Johrei Fellowship. As a non-attuned energy, Johrei moves through the practitioner's upheld hand during a Johrei session rather than through the entire body.

While Reiki is used in hands-on treatments and is intended to be placed in the body of the client with the intent of balancing physical as well as mental and emotional health, Johrei is beamed into the aura of a seated recipient with the goal of burning away "spiritual clouds" or energetic blockages. Reiki is designed to work on physical healing as well as on mental emotional issues; Johrei addresses spiritual energetic issues in the aura which in turn influences physical health. Although an oversimplification of two powerful healing energies, it is often said that Reiki is the feminine or "water" energy, Johrei the masculine or "fire" energy. Without doubt, the two energies, while quite different, are complementary in their action. Each has its appropriate applications; each is a powerful form of energy healing.

There is one other significant difference in the two energies: Reiki is not a religion, has no dogma and no tenets of faith. Johrei energy is taught within the context of the Johrei Fellowship, a quasi-religious organization based on Japanese spiritual beliefs as represented in the teachings of Meishu-sama (Mokichi Okada), the man to whom Johrei was given. It is not necessary to follow the Johrei spiritual teachings to use Johrei energy for healing, but people need to be aware that a spiritual and dogmatic structure is part of Johrei training. The training is not offensive nor overly challenging to other beliefs, and many of the concepts of chakras, energetic blockages in the aura, and the origins of illness in emotional and spiritual issues will be totally familiar to Reiki practitioners trained in traditional Reiki lineages. Johrei practitioners, like those in Reiki, find that using Johrei energy in no way interferes with their beliefs in whatever traditional religion they follow. To the contrary, as with Reiki, Johrei provides a deeper sense of connection to the universal energies of Source.

In terms of frequency, Johrei is closer to the intensity of earth energies than Reiki. When measured on the Aura Video Imager, Johrei appears green in the aura, while Traditional Reiki emerges as indigo blue and purple. Members of the Johrei Fellowship are noted for their successful work with bomb victims at Hiroshima, and Johrei has been used in Japan, the United States, Brazil, and Thailand with success against cancer, tumors, burns, injuries, infections, and toxic poisoning in humans and animals. Namaste!


Beloved ones! We ask you to think of this. Is your quest for enlightenment that which is the joy and excitement of unfolding into the more of who you really are, or is it a quest to escape the fear, pain and anguish of day-to-day living in your realm? We suggest you contemplate this.

You see, my dear ones, there is no escape. For as long as you are attempting to get rid of, overcome, release, push away, or let go of the fear, pain and anguish, that energy which you expend in pushing away will simply draw to you that which you are attempting to get away from. What you resist will absolutely persist and what you invalidate you will absolutely empower.

What you are, indeed, is a grand embodiment of electromagnetic energy. That is, every facet of you, your physical body, your consciousness, your thoughts and beliefs and your emotional beingness are all entwined to create a body of energy which is likened unto a magnet. This energy has a resonance, a vibrational frequency, which draws to itself that which matches its own frequency.

Thusly, as you go about your day-to-day life, you create in your perceived reality those situations which reflect back to you your own beliefs about who you are and how the universe is. The frequencies or resonances match. So, if you desire to bring about change in your day-to-day life, the simple fact is that you must change the frequency that you are.

We have said to you many times that enlightenment, or the ability to exist in that state termed fourth or fifth density as you call it, is the natural result of loving every facet of you unconditionally. In other words, by that unconditional love you change the frequency. This is not required to be a struggle. It is simple a choice in every now. There are no magic pills or potions, no magic words, incantations or rituals. There is only love or fear. Which do you choose in any now?

Of course your frequency changes and fluctuates moment by moment. When you are in a very loving and allowing space, you perceive your outward reality from that framework. Those of you who have experienced your epiphanies or great ah-ha's have wondered why the experience has not been repeated more often, or indeed why, since you have experienced it once, can you not be in that place all of the time. Well, my dearest ones, it is because that frequency does not match who you are most of the time.

The two powerful components, if you like, of your magnetic beingness are your beliefs about yourself and the emotions attached to and underlying those beliefs. Emotions are the seat of your creative power. Where you are operating in your day to days from the fear-based emotions based on the belief that you are not worthy, not enough, powerless, love equals pain, and the universe you inhabit is a dangerous and doomed place, (any or all of the above) then your day-to-day creations will reflect this.

However, because you are powerful, wondrous beings, you change your resonance to create whatever you desire. It all starts and ends with you. Remind yourself of your grandest truth. You are in every moment, no matter the apparency, a perfect, eternal expression of Creation. You are gods and goddesses playing a wondrous game called ‘human life now’.

The facet of you which forgets that truth, the facet which believes and feels all of that fear-based stuff, is just a little person, a tiny child who lives inside of you. One who, in spite of forgetting the grand truth, loves the totality of you absolutely; one who has struggled every day of your life to ensure that you survived; one who has always done the best possible in every circumstance. It is this little facet of you that is requiring the fullest attention, requiring your compassion and unconditional love.

We would remind you of the keys to transformation:

1. You can only transform what you own. If there is any facet of you that you do not own, any situation that you do not own your share of, then how can you transform it?

2. You can only transform in the now. You cannot transform in your past and you cannot transform in your future. You can only transform in your now moment and the paradox of course is that when you choose transformation in your now moment, you automatically transform your past and your future.

3. You can only transform whilst you are in the emotion of the fear or pain, because that is where your power lies. If you would doubt this, then I would draw your attention to the fact that whilst you usually make your day-to-day decisions based on logic and experience, when you are in the grip of very strong emotion, your logic almost always flies out the window!

4. You can only create transformation by total embracement, that is embrace the child within who has created the undesired reality you are experiencing. Embrace the situation and the co-creators and look for the gift within this situation. If you have trouble finding the gift, remind yourself that no matter what the situation is, it is an opportunity to be the more of who you really are!

We ask you to contemplate the fact that all of your fears are based on perceived lack. The grand truth is that there is no lack. However, as this is your belief and your fear, this is what you create in your life, whether it is lack of love or money or creature comforts or simply ease and flow in your life. Many of you rush about in your outside world with great effort and struggle to try to change this situation and wonder why nothing changes at all, really.

The fear of lack is a resonance. The knowing of absolute abundance in every facet of your life is also a resonance. To change the resonance, we suggest you would give forth joyful thanks to the universe at least once each day for the abundance in your life.

Sit down and write out all the things in your life, in every area, to be thankful for. Each day as you would sing forth your thanks, feel the joy of this abundance and richness in your life. Whilst you are engaged in this activity you are in the isness, the now, of no lack.

As you go about your day you will carry this resonance with you. During your day, when you see something which pleases you or brings you joy, give forth the thanks. Then stand back and be ready for change!

So you see, my dears, there is no escape. There is only you, and by your own awesome power you may create that which you desire -- heaven on earth and you, the gods and goddesses, realized in the full potential called human.  Namaste!
No Escape

Diga-me com quem andas que te direi quem es!!!

Costumo dizer que o ser humano é uma caixinha de surpresas, e que de dentro dele pode sair qualquer coisa: as maiores maravilhas e os piores horrores.

E pelo menos para quem é mais um na multidão de pessoas comuns, daquelas que estão buscando a evolução, mas ainda padecem das fraquezas mundanas, esta questão tem muito a ver com quem está à volta. Em outras palavras, estou dizendo que muito do que sai de dentro da caixinha, vem pelas mãos de quem a circunda.

Cada pessoa tira de dentro de nós comportamentos e atitudes bem específicos. Há quem te estimule a querer ser melhor, já reparou? Mas há também quem te leve à exaustão, ao nervosismo, à violência.

Não, não estou dizendo que a reponsabilidade pelas suas atitudes está na mão dos outros. O que estou dizendo, é que os outros têm a capacidade de extrair de você as suas potencialidades, sejam elas boas ou ruins. Por isso, todo cuidado é pouco. Ou, melhor ainda, "diga-me com quem andas, e te direi quem és".

Por que será que você se sente bem ao lado de Fulano e, em contrapartida, muito mal ao lado de Beltrano? Porque Fulano sabe, sei lá como, puxar do seu coração aquele fio iluminado da positividade; seja por afinidade, por respeito ou porque ele tem mesmo o talento de estimular os demais para o bem.

Ao passo que Beltrano, ao contrário, se compraz em ferir e em subtrair... será por vaidade? Por desejo de dominação? Ou por simples crueldade mesmo? Não sei, e isso nem importa, mas o fato é que, por vezes, as pessoas também puxam, do seu coração, aquele fio negro que traz à tona o seu lado sombrio... por mais que você se esforce em ser uma pessoa de luz.

Uma outra boa metáfora para isso, é imaginar dezenas de botões em nosso espírito, botões que, quando apertados, revelam diferentes capacidades nossas...

A capacidade de ser alegre ou triste; egoísta ou generoso; sereno ou abalado ; aberto à vida ou fechado em si mesmo; compassivo ou agressivo; saudável ou doentio, a compreensivo ou intolerante, amoroso ou aguerrido ...

E como são puxados esses fios? Como são apertados esses botões?

O gatilho pode ser uma palavra, um tom de voz; um olhar, um gesto. A chave de tudo está na maneira como nos portamos com o outro, porque a convivência nada mais é que uma troca de intenções e energias, bem mais que de sentimentos. Você pode amar desesperadamente uma pessoa e, no entanto, apertar os botões errados simplesmente porque se diverte em vê-la reagir, ou porque tem preguiça para buscar os botõezinhos certos. Ou, em último caso, porque é obtuso o bastante para entender a importância disso tudo.

Ninguém vem com manual, eu sei. Os botões certos e errados, ou o fio de luz e o de sombra, estão todos ali, misturados no nosso peito. Talvez, então, o segredo da felicidade esteja em identificar quem está disposto a mexer com tudo isso sem provocar o caos dentro da gente.
Namaste - Alma Lavada