I followed a four-year course of spiritual coaching and spiritual healing at a very good Institution, the place was lovely and there were many students, advisers, teachers etc as well as a kind and tough Director and Head of all. I used to love the training, the lectures, the practice but the director, let's call her Mary, was so tough and hard with me, she used to pick on me for almost everything. I used to push myself so hard to be exactly as they were teaching, but Mary was never completely satisfied. Many times I used to leave the place in tears, swearing that I would never go back there. Sometimes she used to say, 'you did well' but sometimes!!! For every difficult task I was usually the first to be chosen, the easy ones she used to say, you already know that!! Anyway one day I caught her smiling at something I was doing and I waited for a hard remark, yet she said nothing, and I for the first time in all those years I saw a liitle glimpse of a human not an impersonal and hard person!!! Please bear in mind that she was polite, plain, kind and reserved but with me most of the time I didnt know who that woman really was. The day of the "graduation" so to say, arrived and I was relieved and also already missing all. When all had finished, I plucked up all the courage within me and I went to talk to Mary, I asked her 'why did you treat me so hard and pushed me so much, you know many times I wanted to quit and many times I was so emotionally affected by you! She replied with a smile: ' Dear! I believed in you but I knew you would only be ready in all your full potention when my remarks no longer would have mattered, when you would realise that all your efforts were not for me but for yourself!! You are extraordinary because you have coped with all the difficulties I have imposed on you! You are ready! And remember don't let the external world dictate your abilities and strength! You will always face hardship, amazing power and forces against you and your work many times but you've got believe that you can do it!!! Thanks for giving me the hope that someone believed in himself and in this course'. I was in tears, I could not talk and I felt somehow even embarrassed by my thoughts and my attitudes in the past towards her and the place. She gave me a hug and thanked me again!! Well! That's the lesson: Life does the same with us, pushes us very hard to make us BE!!! no matter what, Be yourself, you have ALL THE TOOLS! and everyone around you is there to teach you how to use all of them!
Criando, informando, transformando!

Saturday, November 26, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Scraps of the Soul: Poetry - Os signos e o amor.- Astrological signs a...
Scraps of the Soul: Poetry - Os signos e o amor.- Astrological signs a...: "aries Sou como um louco, Ou uma criança, Quando quero, quero muito, Quando não quero, Nao venhas, Sou fogo, Sou chama, Enquanto vivo, Eu ar..."
“I have hidden a love fearing to lose it;
I have lost a love because I hid it.
I held the hands of someone because I feared;
I have feared so much that I barely felt my hands.
I have ostracized people I loved from my life;
I have regretted it.
I have passed nights crying until I slept;
I have gone to sleep so happy that I couldn’t keep my eyes closed.
I have believed in perfect love;
I have discovered it doesn’t exist.
I have loved people that failed me;
I have failed people that loved me.
I have passed many hours in front of the mirror trying to discover who I am;
I have had such a certainty of me that I wanted to disappear.
I have lied and regretted afterwards,
I have spoken the truth and also regretted it.
I have pretended to not give importance to people I loved,
Then, later I cried alone in a corner.
I have smiled while tears of sadness blurred my eyes,
I have cried because I laughed so hard.
I have believed in people that were not worthy it,
I have not believed in people that were.
I had laughter fits when I couldn’t.
I have broken glasses, plates and vases because I was angry.
I have longed for someone and never told the person.
I have screamed when I should have been quiet;
I have been quiet when I should scream.
Many times I didn’t speak my mind to be agreeable to some;
Other times, I said things I didn’t believe to hurt others.
I have pretended to be someone I am not to be agreeable to some;
I have pretended to be someone I am not to be disagreeable to others.
I have told bad jokes after bad jokes just to see a friend happy;
I have created stories with a happy ending just to give hope to someone that needed it.
I have dreamed so much that I have mistaken dreams with reality.
I have feared the darkness;
Now in the darkness I find myself, I crouch, and stay there.
I have fallen many times thinking I would never rise back.
I have risen many times thinking I would never fall again.
I have called people I didn’t want to call;
Just so I wouldn’t call those I did want to call.
I have ran, following a car, because it was taken away someone I loved.
I have called my mommy in the middle of the night, because of a nightmare.
But she didn’t come and it was an even worse nightmare.
I have called close people of friends and I discovered they were not friends.
Other people I have never called anything and they were always special in my life.
Don’t give me formulas to do what is right; I don’t expect to be always right.
Don’t show me what you expect from me, because I will always follow my heart.
Don’t make me to be what I am not; don’t invite me to be an equal, because honestly I am different. I don’t know how to love half; I don’t know how to live a lie; I don’t know how to fly with my feet in the ground.
I am always me; but certainly I am not going to be always the same.
I like the slower poisons, the bitterest drinks, the most powerful drugs, the craziest ideas, the most complex thoughts, and the stronger feelings. I have a huge appetite and crazy deliriums. You can even throw me from a mountain peak and I will tell you, so what, I love flying!
I have lost a love because I hid it.
I held the hands of someone because I feared;
I have feared so much that I barely felt my hands.
I have ostracized people I loved from my life;
I have regretted it.
I have passed nights crying until I slept;
I have gone to sleep so happy that I couldn’t keep my eyes closed.
I have believed in perfect love;
I have discovered it doesn’t exist.
I have loved people that failed me;
I have failed people that loved me.
I have passed many hours in front of the mirror trying to discover who I am;
I have had such a certainty of me that I wanted to disappear.
I have lied and regretted afterwards,
I have spoken the truth and also regretted it.
I have pretended to not give importance to people I loved,
Then, later I cried alone in a corner.
I have smiled while tears of sadness blurred my eyes,
I have cried because I laughed so hard.
I have believed in people that were not worthy it,
I have not believed in people that were.
I had laughter fits when I couldn’t.
I have broken glasses, plates and vases because I was angry.
I have longed for someone and never told the person.
I have screamed when I should have been quiet;
I have been quiet when I should scream.
Many times I didn’t speak my mind to be agreeable to some;
Other times, I said things I didn’t believe to hurt others.
I have pretended to be someone I am not to be agreeable to some;
I have pretended to be someone I am not to be disagreeable to others.
I have told bad jokes after bad jokes just to see a friend happy;
I have created stories with a happy ending just to give hope to someone that needed it.
I have dreamed so much that I have mistaken dreams with reality.
I have feared the darkness;
Now in the darkness I find myself, I crouch, and stay there.
I have fallen many times thinking I would never rise back.
I have risen many times thinking I would never fall again.
I have called people I didn’t want to call;
Just so I wouldn’t call those I did want to call.
I have ran, following a car, because it was taken away someone I loved.
I have called my mommy in the middle of the night, because of a nightmare.
But she didn’t come and it was an even worse nightmare.
I have called close people of friends and I discovered they were not friends.
Other people I have never called anything and they were always special in my life.
Don’t give me formulas to do what is right; I don’t expect to be always right.
Don’t show me what you expect from me, because I will always follow my heart.
Don’t make me to be what I am not; don’t invite me to be an equal, because honestly I am different. I don’t know how to love half; I don’t know how to live a lie; I don’t know how to fly with my feet in the ground.
I am always me; but certainly I am not going to be always the same.
I like the slower poisons, the bitterest drinks, the most powerful drugs, the craziest ideas, the most complex thoughts, and the stronger feelings. I have a huge appetite and crazy deliriums. You can even throw me from a mountain peak and I will tell you, so what, I love flying!
Friday, July 22, 2011
One day a rich father took his son on a trip to the country
with the firm purpose to show him how poor people
can be. They spent a day and a night on
the farm of a very poor family.
When they got back from their trip the father
asked his son, "How was the trip?"
"Very good Dad!"
"Did you see how poor people can be?"
the father asked.
"And what did you learn?"
The son answered, "I saw that we have a dog at
home, and they have four. We have a pool that
reaches to the middle of the garden, they have
a creek that has no end.We have imported
lamps in the garden, they have the stars.
Our patio reaches to the front yard,
they have a whole horizon."
When the little boy was finishing,
his father was speechless.
His son added,
"Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are!"
with the firm purpose to show him how poor people
can be. They spent a day and a night on
the farm of a very poor family.
When they got back from their trip the father
asked his son, "How was the trip?"
"Very good Dad!"
"Did you see how poor people can be?"
the father asked.
"And what did you learn?"
The son answered, "I saw that we have a dog at
home, and they have four. We have a pool that
reaches to the middle of the garden, they have
a creek that has no end.We have imported
lamps in the garden, they have the stars.
Our patio reaches to the front yard,
they have a whole horizon."
When the little boy was finishing,
his father was speechless.
His son added,
"Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are!"
Monday, June 13, 2011
The Image of Ganesha and its Meaning
The image of Ganesha and its meaning
Ganesha's trunk symbolises the fact that the wise person has both immense strength and fine discrimination. Ganesha has large ears. The wise person hears all. He has four hands. In one hand he holds a lotus, the symbol of enlightenment. In the other hand he holds a hatchet. That is, the old karma, all your sanskars, the accumulated good and bad of past deeds get cut when enlightenment comes.
The third hand holds laddus, the round sweet-meats. They are the rewards of a wise life. Ganesha is never shown eating the laddus. The wise man never partakes of the rewards of his deeds. He is not attached to them. The fourth hand is shown blessing the people. The wise man wishes the best for everyone.
Ganesha has only one tusk; the other is shown broken. There is an interesting story as to how Ganesh happened to get an elephant's head and how one tusk got broken. The symbolism of the broken tusk is that the wise person is beyond duality.
We tend to think that we end when our bodies end in the material world. We are the first person. All else is different. This duality is created by the mind which creates the ego to help us survive in this world. This 'me-other' duality is the screen keeping us from realising our real Self, which is beyond body and mind. Once we transcend this duality, we see the entire Universe as a single whole and we become aware of our true Selves. The single tusk of Ganesha symbolises this non-duality. Wisdom allows us to see all as one and ourselves an integral part of the whole.
Ganesha is shown sitting with one foot on the ground and the other resting on his knee, above the ground. The wise person is of this earth, yet not entirely of this earth.
Ganesha is shown seated on a rat. The reason for saying that Ganesha 'rides' on the rat is that the rat is among the greediest of all animals. It will keep nibbling at whatever is available, eating everything it can. Scientifically, too, the rat's teeth keep growing and it has to keep chewing on something to keep these within limits. The rat is a symbol of our senses, which are never satisfied. They crave new experiences, new tastes. Left uncontrolled, they keep growing forever. The wise person rides on his senses. He keeps them under control.
Ganesha is often shown seated in front of a tray of sweets. In these images the rat is shown sitting in front of Ganesha, perhaps a bit to one side, looking up at him. The senses of the wise person are under his control and the rat dare not eat the sweets without the permission of Ganesha.
Ganesha is the son of Shiva and Parvati, the God governing the life-force and the earth-mother. This symbolises the spirit and body of the wise person. Finally, the wise person has the dignity of an elephant.
When we say "Aum Ganeshaya Namah" before starting anything what we are saying is that "In what we are about to do, let wisdom be our guide". In a sense, Ganesha is our most powerful god, and he is usually remembered before starting any rituals for other deities. Namaste
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Kandahat: REIKI AND JOHREI: "Two healing energies emerged in Japan during the first quarter of the twentieth century: Reiki and Johrei. Both are healing energies, but t..."
Two healing energies emerged in Japan during the first quarter of the twentieth century: Reiki and Johrei. Both are healing energies, but the two are completely different in lineage, frequency, purpose, use, and method of training. As part of its ongoing commitment to lineage, to healing, and to earth healing in the eclectic mode.
In addition to quite different origins, there are many other distinguishing differences between Johrei and Reiki. Reiki is an attuned energy opened in the student by an appropriately trained Reiki Master. Reiki energy moves through the body and the chakras of the Reiki practitioner and out the hands to whomever the practitioner offers the energy. Johrei, on the other hand, is an energy of intent anchored and activated by a Focal Point worn about the Johrei practitioner's neck and obtained after a period of training with a minister of the Johrei Fellowship. As a non-attuned energy, Johrei moves through the practitioner's upheld hand during a Johrei session rather than through the entire body.
While Reiki is used in hands-on treatments and is intended to be placed in the body of the client with the intent of balancing physical as well as mental and emotional health, Johrei is beamed into the aura of a seated recipient with the goal of burning away "spiritual clouds" or energetic blockages. Reiki is designed to work on physical healing as well as on mental emotional issues; Johrei addresses spiritual energetic issues in the aura which in turn influences physical health. Although an oversimplification of two powerful healing energies, it is often said that Reiki is the feminine or "water" energy, Johrei the masculine or "fire" energy. Without doubt, the two energies, while quite different, are complementary in their action. Each has its appropriate applications; each is a powerful form of energy healing.
There is one other significant difference in the two energies: Reiki is not a religion, has no dogma and no tenets of faith. Johrei energy is taught within the context of the Johrei Fellowship, a quasi-religious organization based on Japanese spiritual beliefs as represented in the teachings of Meishu-sama (Mokichi Okada), the man to whom Johrei was given. It is not necessary to follow the Johrei spiritual teachings to use Johrei energy for healing, but people need to be aware that a spiritual and dogmatic structure is part of Johrei training. The training is not offensive nor overly challenging to other beliefs, and many of the concepts of chakras, energetic blockages in the aura, and the origins of illness in emotional and spiritual issues will be totally familiar to Reiki practitioners trained in traditional Reiki lineages. Johrei practitioners, like those in Reiki, find that using Johrei energy in no way interferes with their beliefs in whatever traditional religion they follow. To the contrary, as with Reiki, Johrei provides a deeper sense of connection to the universal energies of Source.
In terms of frequency, Johrei is closer to the intensity of earth energies than Reiki. When measured on the Aura Video Imager, Johrei appears green in the aura, while Traditional Reiki emerges as indigo blue and purple. Members of the Johrei Fellowship are noted for their successful work with bomb victims at Hiroshima, and Johrei has been used in Japan, the United States, Brazil, and Thailand with success against cancer, tumors, burns, injuries, infections, and toxic poisoning in humans and animals. Namaste!
In addition to quite different origins, there are many other distinguishing differences between Johrei and Reiki. Reiki is an attuned energy opened in the student by an appropriately trained Reiki Master. Reiki energy moves through the body and the chakras of the Reiki practitioner and out the hands to whomever the practitioner offers the energy. Johrei, on the other hand, is an energy of intent anchored and activated by a Focal Point worn about the Johrei practitioner's neck and obtained after a period of training with a minister of the Johrei Fellowship. As a non-attuned energy, Johrei moves through the practitioner's upheld hand during a Johrei session rather than through the entire body.
While Reiki is used in hands-on treatments and is intended to be placed in the body of the client with the intent of balancing physical as well as mental and emotional health, Johrei is beamed into the aura of a seated recipient with the goal of burning away "spiritual clouds" or energetic blockages. Reiki is designed to work on physical healing as well as on mental emotional issues; Johrei addresses spiritual energetic issues in the aura which in turn influences physical health. Although an oversimplification of two powerful healing energies, it is often said that Reiki is the feminine or "water" energy, Johrei the masculine or "fire" energy. Without doubt, the two energies, while quite different, are complementary in their action. Each has its appropriate applications; each is a powerful form of energy healing.
There is one other significant difference in the two energies: Reiki is not a religion, has no dogma and no tenets of faith. Johrei energy is taught within the context of the Johrei Fellowship, a quasi-religious organization based on Japanese spiritual beliefs as represented in the teachings of Meishu-sama (Mokichi Okada), the man to whom Johrei was given. It is not necessary to follow the Johrei spiritual teachings to use Johrei energy for healing, but people need to be aware that a spiritual and dogmatic structure is part of Johrei training. The training is not offensive nor overly challenging to other beliefs, and many of the concepts of chakras, energetic blockages in the aura, and the origins of illness in emotional and spiritual issues will be totally familiar to Reiki practitioners trained in traditional Reiki lineages. Johrei practitioners, like those in Reiki, find that using Johrei energy in no way interferes with their beliefs in whatever traditional religion they follow. To the contrary, as with Reiki, Johrei provides a deeper sense of connection to the universal energies of Source.
In terms of frequency, Johrei is closer to the intensity of earth energies than Reiki. When measured on the Aura Video Imager, Johrei appears green in the aura, while Traditional Reiki emerges as indigo blue and purple. Members of the Johrei Fellowship are noted for their successful work with bomb victims at Hiroshima, and Johrei has been used in Japan, the United States, Brazil, and Thailand with success against cancer, tumors, burns, injuries, infections, and toxic poisoning in humans and animals. Namaste!
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