Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Incredible Mary in my life!!!

I followed a four-year course of spiritual coaching and spiritual healing at a very good Institution, the place was lovely and there were many students, advisers, teachers etc as well as a kind and tough Director and Head of all. I used to love the training, the lectures, the practice but the director, let's call her Mary, was so tough and hard with me, she used to pick on me for almost everything. I used to push myself so hard to be exactly as they were teaching, but Mary was never completely satisfied. Many times I used to leave the place in tears, swearing that I would never go back there. Sometimes she used to say, 'you did well' but sometimes!!! For every difficult task I was usually the first to be chosen, the easy ones she used to say, you already know that!! Anyway one day I caught her smiling at something I was doing and I waited for a hard remark, yet she said nothing, and I for the first time in all those years I saw a liitle glimpse of  a human not an impersonal and hard person!!! Please bear in mind that she was polite, plain, kind and reserved but with me most of the time I didnt know who that woman really was. The day of the "graduation" so to say, arrived and I was relieved and also already missing all. When all had finished, I plucked up all the courage within me and I went to talk to Mary, I asked her 'why did you treat me so hard and pushed  me so much, you know many times I wanted to quit and many times I was so emotionally affected by you! She replied with a smile: ' Dear! I believed in you but I knew you would only be ready in all your full potention when my remarks no longer would have mattered, when you would realise  that all your efforts were not for me but for yourself!! You are extraordinary because you have coped with all the difficulties I have imposed on you! You are ready! And remember don't let the external world dictate your abilities and strength! You will always face hardship,  amazing power and forces against you and your work many times but you've got believe that you can do it!!! Thanks for giving me the hope that someone believed in himself and in this course'. I was in tears, I could not talk  and I felt somehow even embarrassed by my thoughts and my attitudes in the past towards her and the place. She gave me a hug and thanked me again!! Well! That's the lesson: Life does the same with us, pushes us very hard to make us BE!!! no matter what, Be yourself, you have ALL THE TOOLS! and everyone around you is there to teach you how to  use all of them! 

1 comment:

  1. I too have 'an incredible Mary' in my life and would so much like to be the amazing student that u have proved to be!
